
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Cherry Jam Time

This week I went to the local farm market and bought two baskets of cherry "seconds", the kind of fruit that is not so pretty but still so tasty.  I came home and spent that night painstakingly slicing the cherries in half so I could remove the pit.  I can see why people invest in pitters!  The next night I made a round of jam with the first basket and just canned the other basket as cherry halves.  We have 11 jars of jam and 3 pint jars of cherries.  I am considering going back and buying more.  I took a jar to the nanny family and they loved it!  I love that kids will give you an honest opinion and not feel obligated to like something.
I will definitely be going back to the market this weekend.  I might buy cherries, or whatever else I think is cann-able.  Let the jamming season begin!

1 comment:

  1. The cherry jam/preserves looks beautiful.

    Try using a straw to pit the cherries. Poke it through from stem end to blossom end and the pit is pushed out with the straw or it just goes up inside the straw. You can cut the straw into halves or thirds to get more use out of it besides, the short bit of straw is stronger than a longer piece.

    This was the first year our cherry tree bore fruit.... the stink but got them. :(

    Raspberries (cultivated and wild black ones) are coming in now.

